Er wordt steeds gestart met een eerste intakegesprek waarbij jij me zoveel mogelijk informatie verschaft. Zo kan ik aan de slag gaan met een compleet beeld. De mogelijkheden bekijken we samen gedurende het tweede consult om de meest haalbare manieren te zoeken voor jouw gewenste verandering. De opvolgconsulten dienen om mogelijke obstakels en vragen samen te bekijken en je zo op weg te helpen om steeds meer en meer grip te hebben op de doorgevoerde verandering. Op die manier werken we samen aan een duurzame verandering!
On location or would you prefer online?
Do you have to come from further away or is an online appointment more convenient? Appointments can also be booked online. Indicate that you would like an online appointment and I will quickly send you an email with the link for an online consultation!
Didn't receive an email? Be sure to check your spam box!
Still no email? Please contact me using the form below and write 'Online consultation' as the reason.
Home visit?
Is a home visit easier for you? That is certainly possible too.
Complete the contact form below and write in the 'reason' box that you would like a home visit and what your reason is for a consultation. I will contact you as soon as possible and we will see together what suits you best.
An added value is charged for a home visit.
Individual guidance for whom?
Balanced diet
Would you like to take your first steps towards a balanced diet, but have no idea how to do that? Or have you already taken your first steps, but are you still stuck? Together we look at balanced choices and alternatives.
Medical problems
Gastrointestinal complaints: celiac disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, stomach disorders, irritable bowel syndrome
Cardiovascular diseases : high blood pressure, disturbed cholesterol levels, heart disease
Allergies and intolerances : after a diagnosis of an allergy or intolerance, it can sometimes feel as if you are hardly allowed to eat anything anymore. As if you will never be able to taste that delicious cookie or cake again. Together we can look for tasty alternatives and other products that are permitted so that a large and tasty world of food opens up to you again.
Difficulties with eating
Do you sometimes have difficulty eating, sitting at the table or tasting new products? Is eating sometimes associated with feelings of guilt or a negative atmosphere? Or does it sometimes seem like you are addicted to food? Together we can look for a pleasant relationship with eating at your rhythm.
Ask your question!
Martijn Luppens
Certified dietitian
Practice EqiLibre
Donkerstraat 2,
3040 Neerijse